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Be part of the largest insurance professional network in UAE.
Promote your company within and beyond the network through inclusion of your company profile on the IBG website and in the IBG Membership directory.
Gain priority access to IBG periodic events which are hosted few times in a year which will includes inter business group / council networking and to view influential guest speaker presentations.
Receive complimentary and/or significantly discounted registration to associate events with IBG
Gather business and competitive intelligence - Learn about potential opportunities and challenges faced by the industry.
Give back to the community by participating in IBG-held fundraisers for charity organizations or Blood Donation Camps hosted by IBG in the UAE.
IBG is a good platform for insurance professionals to gain insurance training and education including public campaigns on safety at work and premises, road safety and other critical areas.
IBG members periodically deliberate on general and specific challenges faced by the insurance industry by means of organizing Speaking Events on burning topics.
IBG is always taking initiative to facilitate emiratization in the insurance sector.
IBG felicitates members to establish contacts and promote interaction with other trade bodies of the Chamber, international, regional and national insurance associations/ institutions / bodies.
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